New Areas
A further 7 Scottish NSAs have been added to the Directory see earlier post for details.
GMFF-0002 Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park and NSAs – name changed to reflect inclusion of the 2 NSAs within the Park Boundary
GxFF – Flora & Fauna in the UK
GxFF – Flora & Fauna in the UK
New Areas
A further 7 Scottish NSAs have been added to the Directory see earlier post for details.
GMFF-0002 Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park and NSAs – name changed to reflect inclusion of the 2 NSAs within the Park Boundary
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park
In line with previous announcements GFF – 0015 Pembrokeshire Coast National Park is today redesignated with a GW prefix, becoming GWFF -0100
New Areas
A further 9 Scottish NSAs have been added to the Directory see earlier post for details.
GMFF-0014 Claish Moss, has been renamed to Claish and Kenra Moss SAC/RAMSAR, to reflect a change to status from an NNR to SAC with an expanded boundary to include Kenra Moss.
Two further NNRs have been added to the directory
New Areas
Several changes to the directory have been made:
New Areas
New Areas & Amendments -Latest update 9/8/21
We have completed the process of working through the GMFF Directory, to ensure all Scottish National Scenic Areas (NSAs) are allocated a reference, in some cases existing reference names have been amended to make clear when they include the NSA. There are 40 NSAs in all covering 13% of Scotland’s land mass, so completing this work provides more opportunities for getting out and operating in Scotland’s beautiful countryside.
The following new areas have been allocated a reference:
Changes also made to:
New Areas
The following NNRs have now been given a reference:
The process of assigning references to all of Northern Ireland’s Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) has now been completed. The following new references have been added to the directory
Several changes to the directory have been made:
New Areas
In line with the decision made by Team GxFF in April, we have completed the addition of all Wildfowl and Wetland Trust sites, the final three sites added being:
In addition GWFF – 0059 Maes y Facrell NNR (Great Orme) has become designated as Pen y Gogarth SAC (including Maes y Facrell NNR) (Great Orme), the new boundaries now taking in the SAC.
Staying in Wales, GFF- 0015 Pembrokeshire Coast National Park will be redesignated with a GWFF prefix. This change will take effect from August 1st 2021.