GWFF Directory Changes

Three new references and two updates have been made to the GWFF Directory

New Reference

  • GWFF-0108 Sugar Loaf Woodlands SAC, Monmouthshire
  • GWFF-0109 Caeau Mynwydd Mawr SAC, Camarthenshire
  • GWFF-0110 Llangorse Lake/Lyn Syfaddan SAC, Powys


  • GWFF-0005 Becomes Carmel NNR/SAC to recognise inclusion of the Cernydd Carmel SAC
  • GWFF-0036 Becomes Craig-y-Cilau NNR/Usk Bat Sites SAC, to recognise the expansion of the reference to take in the wider SAC area. (Please ensure if operating at the Southern end of the reference, that you are not in the adjoining GWFF-0098 Cwm Clydach NNR/SAC)

GFF Directory Updates

A further five new references have been added to the GFF Directory. With the exception of Purbeck Heaths NNR, where we are working to define how a new reference for the “super reserve” would work with the existing NNR references, all UK NNRs should now have been allocated a reference.

New References

  • GFF-0501 Malham Tarn NNR/RAMSAR , North Yorkshire
  • GFF-0502 New House Farm Malham NNR, Nort Yorkshire (working farm, access limited)
  • GFF-0503 St Aidan’s RSPB, Leeds, West Yorkshire
  • GFF-0504 Upper Nene Valley Gravel Pits SPA/RAMSAR, Northants
  • GFF-0505 Rex Graham Reserves SAC, Suffolk