Ten further references have been added to the GFF Directory and two areas updated.
New references
- GFF-0480 Clint’s Quarry SAC, Cumbria
- GFF-0481 RSPB Consall Nature Park
- GFF-0482 Sandwich Bay SAC/Sandwich & Pegwell Bay NNR, Kent
- GFF-0483 Foster’s Green Meadows NNR, Worcestershire
- GFF-0484 Collyweston Great Wood & Eastern Hornstocks NNR, Northamptonshire (Access by permit only)
- GFF-0485 Cothill NNR/SAC, Oxfordshire
- GFF-0486 Hambledon Hill NNR, Dorset
- GFF-0487 Great Ashby Scar NNR, Cumbria
- GFF-0488 Highbury Wood NNR, Gloucestershire
- GFF-0489 Hatfield Moor SAC, South Yorkshire
Updated references
- GFF-0135 Hamstreet Woods NNR, becomes Hamstreet Woods NNR/RSPB to include adjoining RSPB owned Hibbet’s Wood
- GFF-0298 Thanet Bay SAC, now excludes any areas contained within the Sandwich and Pegwell Bay NNR, which forms part of new ref GFF-0482